Collaborative Intelligence

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A-PR Hypothesis

complementarity needed for
collaborative intelligence

Subjectivity – our diverse
POVs and interpretations

Objectivity – the facts of
the world we interpret


AI Conferences
Berners-Lee pubs
Climate Collab
Darwin papers
Hendler pubs
Lassila pubs
Microbes–Mind Forum
MIT Center for
Collective Intelligence

Planet Innovation
Recommender Systems
Vinge on Singularity

Tm Berners-Lee Weaving the Web
Berners-Lee –
Weaving the Web

Paul Ehrlich Humanity on a Tightrope
Ehrlich - Humanity
on a Tightrope

Kevin Kelly What Technology Wants
Kelly – What
Technology Wants

Bert Holldobler and EO Wilson Superorganism

Robert Ulanowicz - A Third Window: Natural Life Beyond Newton and Darwin
Robert Ulanowicz
A Third Window

Robert Axelrod Evolution of Cooperation
Axelrod – Evolution
of Cooperation

Robert Axelrod Complexity of Cooperation
Axelrod – Complexity
of Cooperation

Paul Ehrlich Humanity on a Tightrope Kevin Kelly What Technology Wants
Hansen, Schneiderman, Smith - Analyzing Social Networks with NodeXL

Hansen, Schneiderman,
Smith – Analyzing Social
Networks - Node XL

Jerry Fodor What Darwin Got Wrong
J Fodor & M P
What Darwin Got Wrong

Eva Jablonka and Marion Lamb Evolution in Four Dimensions
E Jablonka & M Lamb
Evolution in 4D

Marc Kirschner and John Gerhart - The Plausibility of Life
M Kirschner & J Gerhart –
Plausibility of Life

J Scott Turner The Tinkerer's Accomplice
J Scott Turner
Tinkerer's Accomplice

J Scott Turner The Extended Organism
J Scott Turner
The Extended Organism

J Scott Turner The Tinkerer's Accomplice J Scott Turner The Extended Organism

Mary Jane West-Eberhard Developmental Plasticity in Evolution
MJ West-Eberhard –
Plasticity & Evolution

J Scott Turner The Tinkerer's Accomplice J Scott Turner The Extended Organism Jerry Fodor & Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini - What Darwin Got Wrong Jerry Fodor & Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini - What Darwin Got Wrong Marc Kirschner and John Gerhart - The Plausibility of Life Eva Jablonka and Marion Lamb Evolution in Four Dimensions Mary Jane West Eberhard Developmental Plasticity and Evolution Derek Hansen, Ben Schneiderman, and Marc Smith - AnalyzIng Social Networks with Node XL Derek Hansen, Ben Schneiderman, and Marc Smith - AnalyzIng Social Networks with Node XL

Semantic web & collaborative intelligence

A decade ago Tim Berners-Lee and colleagues introduced the potential of the semantic web. The Semantic Web is not separate from the World Wide Web but its extension, providing a standardized way of expressing the relationships between web pages so that machines can better understand the meaning of hyperlinked information. The aim is to enable computers and people to collaborate more effectively.


As semantic web technology improves, evolving smart agents able to outperform human-designed agents in tagging information, will have diverse applications as assistive "pattern recognizers."


How is the semantic web the tool for collaborative intelligence?

Collaborative intelligence requires that humans and machines collaborate more effectively as pattern recognizers, allowing humans to perform the tasks where they excel and machines to perform where they excel. The semantic web is a "web of data" that enables machines to understand the semantics, or meaning, of information on the World Wide Web [see wikipedia reference list], extending the network of hyperlinked human-readable web pages by inserting metadata (data about data, both structural and descriptive) about pages that is machine-readable. This metadata will clarify how pages are related to each other, enabling automated agents to access the Web more intelligently to perform tasks on behalf of users. When information that can be interpreted by machines, they can perform more of the tedious work involved in finding, combining, and acting upon information on the web. As the sheer volume of information grows, capacity for more effective machine processing is imperative.





Practical Applications.


The distant (or not so distant) future vision of a system to support collaborative intelligence will be inspired by life-like systems with autonomy and capacity for pattern recognition (the A-PR Hypothesis), enabling them to navigate. Life-like capacity for pattern recognition and choice may exhibit what Babbage alluded to as a violation, an unpredictability to which the system must be able to adapt, and intelligence to respond to random unpredictable elements, accepting and adapting usable random variations. Babbage, the computer visionary, may have seen beyond the possibilities of today’s algorithmic computing to an era of intelligent computing with the unpredictabilities of life. If so, he anticipated that collaborative intelligence will require the capacity to accept and respond to unpredictability.


Innovation (or Knowledge) Networks link participants, while maintaining their uniqueness and collaborative autonomy such that knowledge can evolve as networks grow, with potential for emergent, unpredictable patterns and innovative outcomes.

Problem mapping
a priori, in contrast to information visualisation after-the-fact, generates visual frameworks, or “empty constructs” to structure the process of knowledge-gathering. Problem maps can evolve into navigable user interfaces. These open frameworks (partial patterns) tap the pattern recognition capabilities of users, serving as vehicles to order incoming information in process, and for use by participants during the problem-solving process. A classic example of a problem map is Dmitri Mendeleev’s Periodic Table of Elements, which prompted chemists to look for elements that appeared logically likely to exist, based upon the pattern of the Table.

Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendler and Ora Lassila. 2001. The Semantic Web: a new form of Web content that is meaningful to computers will unleash a revolution of new possibilities. Scientific American. May 17.


©2011 Zann Gill Please attribute, linking to this site.
: webmaster at collaborative-intelligence. org

Image Credit. Andrew Wunsche
Left. Random Boolean Networks

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Tim Berners-Lee Weaving the Web